Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Language-based Security Research Group
With around 10,000 undergraduates and around 1,000 graduate students, Chalmers University of Technology is a renowned top-tier school in Sweden. Around 40% of Sweden's graduate engineers and architects were educated at Chalmers. Several hundred spin-off companies have emanated from Chalmers and employ more than 20,000 people. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering hosts a unique environment with researchers across a broad spectrum of areas. Our expertise ranges from mathematical logic to applied industrial work with Intel, yet our theoretical and practical work strongly support each other.
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Key Staff
- Prof. Andrei Sabelfeld, Associate Professor. After receiving his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Chalmers in 2001 and before joining Chalmers as faculty in 2004, he was a Research Associate at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. He has pursued the certification of security according to principles of programming languages. He is an academic director and lecturer of a number of international PhD summer schools; a steering committee member and program committee of a number of top events in security and programming languages and an invited speaker at many such events. His article on Language-Based Information-Flow Security is the 6th most cited article in all of Computer Science from 2003.
- Prof. David Sands obtained his PhD from Imperial College in 1990, and is full Professor (since 2001), and the leader of the research group at Chalmers. He is known for is work on language-based security in general, and the semantic foundations of confidentiality properties of programs in particular. In addition to an extensive publication record, he regularly serves on program committees for top conferences in programming languages and computer security (e.g. POPL'09, CSF'10, respectively). He is a recent recipient of the prestigious Individual Grants for the Advancement of Research Leaders awarded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF). In recent years he has been the keynote invited speaker at several international workshops and conferences, including the European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) in 2009.